Collector of data log
Papermark Oy
Business ID 0957785-0
Pikku-Parolantie 6, 13130 Hämeenlinna
Puhelin 050 063 7238
Data log manager / contact
Aki Roine
Name of data log
Papermark Oy website database
Purpose of collected personal data
The personal data given by the person submitting the contact form is used for fulfilling their contact request.
Collected data
The log collects the following basic information from the registered user:
– name
– phone number
– postal address
– email address
The standardised use of data outside of the EU or the EEA
None of the collected data is shared with third parties or used outside of the EU or the EEA.
Data log privacy policy
The submitted data is logged in the data collector’s system, which is protected by the operating system’s security software. Access to the system requires entering a valid username and password. The system is also protected by firewalls and other security technology. Predetermined employees of the company have exclusive access to the data log. The data log is held in a locked facility under surveillance by security personnel.
Registered user’s right to prohibit
The data log may be used for direct advertising or other forms of marketing.
Registered user’s right to access
The registered user has the right to view the personal data logged in the system and
to receive a copy of the data. In order to view their logged personal data, the registered user may send a written request to the data log manager.
Data correction
The data collector will correct, complete, or erase any incorrect, incomplete, outdated or unnecessary data
of the collector’s own accord or per user request. To request data correction, the registered user may contact the data log manager.
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